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>> Electricity >> Rural Electrification >> Balance of Global Rural Electrification Program (GREP) achievements to December 2017

Balance of Global Rural Electrification Program (GREP) achievements to December 2017

The balance of Global Rural Electrification Program (GREP) achievements to December 2017 is as follows:

  • The electrification by connection to networks 39 943 villages that allowed the access to electricity in 2 111 100 households (over 12,78 million inhabitants);
  • The rural electrification rate reached 99,53%;
  • The total investment budget is approximately realized 23,83 billion DH;
  • The equipment pat individual photovoltaic kits from:
    • 51,559 households in 3,663 villages for the period 1998-2009;
    • 19,438 households in  900 villages in the framework of the INDH solar project awarded by the Emirate of Abu Dhabi for the 2016-January 2017 period;

The yearly evolution of these cumulative achievements is as follows:

A) In terms of cumulative villages:


B) In terms of cumulative homes:

Evolution of the rural electrification rate:

 The evolution of the RER in 1995 is as follows:

Cumulative GREP achievements investment (in MDH):

At the end of December 2017, total investments made GREP are 23, 83 billion dirhams. The accumulation of these investments since 1996 is distributed as follows:


GREP financing:

With an overall budget at the end of 2017, of around 25 billion dirhams, GREP has seen strong participation of donors who contributed in financing this project with an amount of 13, 1 billion dirhams representing and 51, 4% of the total budget.

GREP action plan 2018 - 2021:

The action plan of the GREP during the period 2018 - 2021, regarding the electrification of 1 750 villages involving 42 838 homes by the network interconnected.

This period also will know the electrification of 3 500 schools, 130 clinics and 1 385 mosques.