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>> Electricity >> Interconnections >> Interconnection projects with neighboring countries

Interconnection projects with neighboring countries

As part of the country's energy strategy, including regional integration, several interconnection projects with neighboring countries are examined:

  • The project to build an electricity interconnection between Morocco and Portugal (1000 MW) 
    An agreement was signed between MEMDD and the Portuguese Ministry of Energy to carry out a feasibility study of this project. A call for tenders for the appointment of a Consultant for the technical and economic feasibility study of interconnection was launched on June 20, 2016, jointly by ONEE and the Directorate General of Energy and Geology from Portugal. The successful bidder is the DNV GL company. The service offer (ODS) was issued on May 02, 2017 and the study is in progress.
  • The project to strengthen the electricity interconnection between Morocco and Spain, the feasibility of which is being examined by ONEE jointly with Red Eléctrica de España (REE), the operator of the Spanish electricity grid. Indeed, several meetings were held between the Moroccan side and the Spanish side at the level of Ministers, senior officials of the ministries in charge of energy of both parties and the operators ONEE and Red Eléctrica de España. This reinforcement project involves the construction of a third line with a capacity of 700 MW.