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The recruitment competition March 15, 2020, organized by the Department of Energy and Mines is reported
The national territory, characterized by a varied geology and particularly renowned for its richness in mineral substances has known, for several decades, a mining activity in the various regions of the Kingdom
Thus, the mining sector is still considered among the pillars of the national economy. The importance of this sector is perceptible beyond the investments it attracts through its contribution to gross domestic product, its share in national exports and its beneficial effects on regional development in terms of infrastructure development of all kinds, creation of wealth and jobs, without forgetting its positive impact on the dynamics in the transport sector and on port activity.
However, the performances thus mentioned, although important, should not obscure the challenges facing the mining sector, particularly outside phosphates. These are mainly the need to discover new deposits, to optimise the added value of exploited mineral substances and to assert the stakes of sustainable development.
In addition to these intrinsic challenges, the mining sector has been confronted in recent years with new challenges relating to social and environmental requirements.
Aware of this situation, a development strategy for this sector for the period 2013-2025 was put in place in 2013. This strategy, adopted in consultation with the mining profession, was supported in 2014 by a 2015-2025 roadmap, broken down into an action plan, for the development of geological and geothematic mapping.
This strategy, which set ambitious objectives aimed at improving the performance of the mining sector by 2025, recommended structural projects to be implemented to achieve them.
Six years after the implementation of the strategy, a mid-term evaluation was carried out in 2019. This evaluation made it possible to diagnose the progress of the achievements of the 2013 - 2025 strategy, to draw up an inventory of actions to be developed and adjustments to be made in order to accelerate its implementation.
It is within this framework that the reflection for the elaboration of the " Morocco Mines Plan (MMP)" has been initiated.
I.National Mining Sector Development Strategy 2013-2025
In order to revitalise the national mining sector, a strategy for the development of this sector was put in place in 2013. This strategy, adopted in consultation with the mining profession, takes into consideration the entire value chain of the mining industry, from exploration and mining research to marketing, as well as the beneficiation and valorisation of the mined substances.
This strategy, which has set ambitious objectives aimed at improving the performance of the national mining sector by 2025, has recommended structural projects to be implemented, namely the modernisation of the legislative and regulatory framework, the acceleration of the pace of geological mapping, the reorganisation of the national mining heritage, the restructuring of the artisanal mining activity and the development of mining promotion.
II.Review of the National Mining Sector Development Strategy 2013-2025
Six years after the implementation of the National Mining Sector Development Strategy 2013-2025, a mid-term review of the strategy was carried out in 2019, taking into account the technological developments in the international mining industry and the opportunities offered by the sector at national level. This evaluation made it possible to establish a diagnosis of the state of progress of the projects launched within the framework of the 2013 - 2025 strategy, to draw up an inventory of the actions to be developed and the adjustments to be introduced in order to accelerate its implementation.
III.Identified challenges
The participatory construction of the new strategic vision for the mining sector has identified six major challenges for the development of the national mining sector. These are:
IV.Morocco Mines Plan 2021-2030
The Moroccan Mining Plan (MMP) 2021-2030, which is an update of the development strategy of the national mining sector, has capitalized on the achievements of the 2013 strategy and has made the necessary and appropriate adjustments, taking into account the economic imperatives and the convergence of interests of the various stakeholders, in order to make the national mining sector a driver of responsible and sustainable development at the local, regional and national levels, combining, among others
The MMP thus defined lays the foundations for a global approach aimed at developing a competitive mining sector by 2030, working towards integrated industrialisation and sustainable growth. The MMP is structured around four strategic pillars, namely
Pillar I: Development of a web of competitive actors;
Pillar II: Reorganization of the institutional organization of the sector;
Pillar III: Strengthening the social impact and the responsible and sustainable nature of the mining sector;
Pillar IV: Adaptation of financing and legal and fiscal means to the new ambitions of the sector.
These pillars are broken down into 21 development axes, translated into 58 levers and 127 actions in order to guarantee the operationalisation of the MMP 2021-2030 and ensure its implementation.
The different actions and support measures of the MMP are transcribed in a precise action plan spread over the period 2021 - 2030.