MEMDD, in consultation with the AMEE and with the support of GIZ, has set
up a thematic workshop program to promote energy efficiency in key sectors of
the national economy, with a view to discussing possible opportunities for
developing energy efficiency and exchanging experiences in this area between
the different actors. These workshops also aim to involve Moroccan companies in
supporting energy efficiency programs at the national level and to establish a
dynamic synergy between the various stakeholders.
To further strengthen awareness and communication for stakeholders,
professionals, researchers and civil society, MEMDD organizes several awareness
campaigns through the organization of meetings and conferences on energy
efficiency at the central and regional levels, targeting the different sectors.
In this context, this Ministry has organized :
- an energy efficiency thematic workshop under the theme: "Energy
Efficiency in Building - Thermal Insulation", on Tuesday, May 15, 2018.
This workshop was an opportunity to review the evolution and main achievements
in the field of energy efficiency in the construction sector in Morocco ;
- a thematic Workshop on Energy Efficiency, July 16, 2018, under the theme
"Energy Efficiency in Industry : Success stories and support schemes "with the
support of GIZ ;
- The 4th edition of the International solar pumping trade show and the 1st
edition of the Green energy trade show, by the Hanix Association on July 03-06,
2018 in the city of Agadir;
- Thematic workshops
on solar pumping in the cities of Beni Mellal and Oujda.
- The realization of 7 building and industry technical guides ;
- 6 public awareness-raisins
flyers ;
- 1 solar pumping awareness-raising flyer ;
- 105 passages of the TV capsules on Al Oula TV ;
- Establishment of a permanent training offering for awareness-raising on the
RTCM Regulations and on the Binayate Software;
- Awareness-raising on eco-driving.