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>> NUCLEAR >> Updating the national nuclear regulatory framework under the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (CNSC) of the National Council for Nuclear Energy (CNEN)

Updating the national nuclear regulatory framework under the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (CNSC) of the National Council for Nuclear Energy (CNEN)

The National Nuclear Energy Council (CNEN) is established by Decree No. 2-90-352 of May 05,  1993.

Three commissions are set up in connection with the Council: the Nuclear Activities Coordination Commission, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and the Commission for International Cooperation Programs. The Department of Energy and Mining provides the CNEN Secretariat and the Chairmanship of its three commissions.

For all the regulatory texts, proposed by the Moroccan Agency for Nuclear and Radiological Safety and Security (AMSSNuR), it is up to the Commission for Nuclear Regulation (CRN) to review them in the light of international standards in the field., of the national legislation, and of the powers of the Departments represented in this Commission.